Category Archives: Community Projects. farmers Markets

Looking for Love in all the Right Places


I love to create art with people of all ages. My recent morning at the Regina Early Years Family Centre (Gathering Place location in North Regina) saw me playing on the floor with my youngest group ever and their moms.

looking through the paper...I think the sounds that tissue paper makes were more interesting than the "translucence"

looking through the paper…I think the sounds that tissue paper makes were more interesting than the “translucence”

The minute I walked in the door, I felt at home and I felt comforted. There is a large tree in the corner made of twisted and curved brown wrapping paper. My sense was that there were small nests all around the room, and enticing corners and caves  inviting the curious to explore and linger. Nothing large and plastic in primary colours!! A magical place. A place for children and parents to spend good time together.

scrap baskets - full of possibility!!

scrap baskets – full of possibility!!

I came with my scrap baskets. Art programmer Kat supplied glue sticks, scissors and other kinds of paper. I like to think of myself as a beginner in art, but my time with these artists taught me so much about what it really means to be a beginner. Turns out that I have a ton of preconceived ideas about the purpose of glue or scissors, not to mention paper!  Here is some of what I learned from these small teachers:

  • A glue stick looks like lip balm. So it is reasonable to open the top and put it on my lips. What happens? STICKY LIPS!!!
  • It is a lot of fun to take the cap on and off a glue stick. Again and again and again. Why stop?  No gluing is necessary. It is still fun.


Photo courtesy

I spent 15 minutes with one little girl. At first she enjoyed digging the glue out of the glue stick with her fingernail. Then she could put some of the glue on paper. Then we tried another way –  together we dragged the glue stick across the paper. You have to hold the paper down when you do this. She reminded me of the deeply satisfying feel of glue when we move it across paper – it both slides and sticks, all at the same time!! We did this a number of times. Eventually we tried putting a scrap of  paper on top of the glue. When you do this your fingers get gluey or gooey and they stick to the paper. It helps to have a (relatively) dry fingered adult to separate you from the paper. Once this is done, you shake the paper and the two pieces of paper stay together. A miracle! A big smile! Two big smiles! It took us a long time to accomplish this and we were both quite pleased I think.

the many wonders of a glue stick

the many wonders of a glue stick


  • Scissors are very cool. I watched many children, especially boys, cut with scissors. Tissue paper is very hard to cut. It is too floppy, it moves all of the time. Firm paper, like construction paper or wax paper is much easier. Cutting with scissors takes 100% concentration – it is an an almost hypnotic activity. I love that scissors kind of sound. The straight lines produced by the scissors as the paper separates into two is amazing. Nobody wants help. Nobody wants to learn to hold their scissors properly. They mostly just to enjoy the pleasures, sounds and miracles of cutting with two blades of steel.
photo courtesy of www.lynaot.come

photo courtesy of  I love this photo because it shows that wonderful concentration and absorption that cutting demands

IMG_1846 IMG_1849 IMG_1853 IMG_1854This small girl below played with the paper for a while and then came straight for my lap, totally intent on having a cuddle. Her mom said that she has this beautiful gift of love, knowing just who needs her hug. We had a long cuddle… a great interlude of love in the midst of creativity.

finding love

finding love

Some of the parents fretted because they were not creating art with their child. They were creating art because they wanted to and their child was doing their own thing close by.  The kids had very different ideas than the parents. To my mind, this is a great thing! I believe that just as our children need to see us reading books and enjoying them if they are to grow up to be readers, they also need to see us creating art…if they are to grow up loving being creative. They need to see us creating at the kitchen table, on the living room floor, and If I had my way – in the halls and lobbies of schools and doctor’s offices, parks and playgrounds, shopping malls and arcades. Anywhere and everywhere! In fact, anytime I have created art where there are children or youth, they are magnetically drawn to see what is happening, and more often than not, they want to create as well. It just happens.

we get messier and messier, paper is fun to throw in the air and why not?

we get messier and messier, paper is fun to throw in the air and why not?

See my bird

See my bird


our tree of blooms, birds, unidentified flying objects and one dinosaur

our tree of blooms, birds, unidentified flying objects and one dinosaur

Thank you to Kat and all the great staff at the Regina Early Learning Family Centre for the invite. Special thanks to the moms, grammas and caregivers, and the biggest thanks to the small ones who taught me so well. To find out what else is happening at one of Regina’s two Early Learning Family centres, check out their FB page.


Dufferin Park

My class mates Jake and Meghan buying their supper

My class mates Jake and Meghan buying their supper

Community Garden

Community Garden

I am so grateful to my friend Erin for telling me about the Dufferin Park Organic Farmer’s Market and all of the cool community things that go on in this park just a couple of subway stops away from my class. My classmates Jake and Meghan came along… we got lost, got drenched, ate very well and had a great time. I was able to buy my supper and the makings of an OZ picnic with Alice before I set out to explore the park. To learn more about this great expression of community you can visit the Friends of Dufferin Park website.


The outdoor oven the Friends of the Park use to bake bread

The outdoor oven the Friends of the Park use to bake bread

a children's area at the farmer's Market
a children’s area at the farmer’s Market

This bike was advertising a puppet theatre... I kept wondering if the puppets were in the blue box and might pop out at any time!

This bike was advertising a puppet theatre… I kept wondering if the puppets were in the blue box and might pop out at any time!

the knife sharpener

the knife sharpener

I would love a little gypsy cart like this for the Fort Qu'Appelle Market!

I would love a little gypsy cart like this for the Fort Qu’Appelle Market!

IMG_0212 IMG_0213

more gardens

more gardens

There is a big spout of water coming in and great channels...perfect for playing with trucks and boats, sticks for fences, road building... this little guy was having a ball!

There is a big spout of water coming in and great channels…perfect for playing with trucks and boats, sticks for fences, road building… this little guy was having a ball!

when I saw these little houses I thought they were for fairies and elves - the little people

when I saw these little houses I thought they were for fairies and elves – the little people


I just kept imagining how I would love this as a child (hey - the CHILD in me still does!)

I just kept imagining how I would love this as a child (hey – the CHILD in me still does!)

Close up

Close up

So, they are not fairy houses, they are cobs!

So, they are not fairy houses, they are cobs!