Despite the dry hills, it has been hard to keep up with all the new blooms and emerging plants this first two weeks of June. The air has been permeated with the distinctive smell of wolf willow in bloom – a prairie smell unlike any other. For most of this time, all the plants shown in my late May post (with the exception of the fruit bushes) have continued to be in bloom as well. Even though 22 plants are pictured here, there are also plants I have seen which are not included here (cut leaf anenome, wood anenome, some milk vetches among them) and plants that I have missed altogether. Keeping this record is helpful to me. I notice more.
The first tiny gaillardia…almost like a dream of gaillardia!
Goat’s Beard
Wolf Willow – this beautiful scent filled the air the first week of June. Nothing like it!!
Indian Breadroot, also known as wild turnip
Indian Breadroot (This is a favourite plant of mine)
White Beard’s Tongue. Usually I have also found Blue Beard’s Tongue but not this year.
Love the colours in this young Saskatoon
Wild Rose
Twining Honeysuckle
Red Osier Dogwood
Yellow Flax
Silvery Groundsel dotting the hills right now
American Hedysarum
Scarlet Guara
Yellow Umbrella Plant
Cream Coloured Vetch
Fleabane (Smooth?)
Northern Bedstraw
Pygmy Flower – after blooming, also known as Fairy Candelabra
Scarlet Mallow
American Vetch
Short stemmed thistle
Meadow rue – found in the woods of Pheasant Creek
This is three flowered avens after blooming – you can see why it is called Prairie Smoke