Some of the flowers shared in an earlier blog (Pheasant Creek- Early May flowers) are also shown here because they really come into their own in late May. Many of the early May flowers are earth huggers. In late May, some plants grow a little taller. Late May is also the time when Saskatoons, chokecherries, hawthornes burst into blossom and new leaves emerge. I have included some photos of both here. The new plant for me this time is right below. As I write this, my favourite coulee smell – the unforgettable scent of wolfwillow in bloom is everywhere!
(Thanks to Debra for the help!)
Purple Rock Cress, I think. Not sure (see below) Easy to miss. I had been wondering what the tall quick growing stems would turn out to be, which is how I noticed it when it bloomed.
On the right is an enlargement of what I think is purple rockcress. Another rockcress, called reflexed rockcress has seedpods which point down as with the two plants in the centre. I will update this as I learn more.
Although early locoweed is out by the end of April, it was in its full glory the third week of May.
Look carefully and you can see clumps of creamy yellow early locoweed dotting this hillside
Western Canada Violet
Hoary Puccoon
Narrow leaf puccoon. Seems to like the lower slopes of the hills. Cousin of hoary puccoon.
Clustered Oreocarya. I am especially partial to soft and furry leaves like these.
Fairy Candelabra is the name I love (Androsace Septentrionalis)
I see lots of Mouse Ear Chickweed in the coulee. (Cervastium Arvense)
Flax, not looking so blue in this photo
Heart Leafed Alexanders
Pale Comandra with the flowers open. Very common but for much of May the flowers were closed.
Lanceleaf Paintbrush
Silvery Groundsel. I realy like her crooked stem and how the petals come out sort of here and there.
Seneca Root close up…there is a little purple in these which we don’t see here
Clump of Seneca Root…easy to miss
Three Flowered Avens
Wild licorice emerging. I did see some in bloom but did not get a good photo.
on the left Indian Breadroot (also called Wild Turnip) beside some sage. Indian Breadroot is a favourite of mine.
young aspen…love these colours
Saskatoons in bloom
Hawthorne blossoms just ready to pop
Spanking new birch leaves
Chokecherry blossoms
For me, the smell of wolf willow in bloom is absolutely prairie!