Upcoming PLAYshops and Sales

Upcoming PLAYshops

Design Your Own Seed Packet, Sun. March 2 from 11 – 4 at the Qu’Appelle Valley Centre for the Arts

Join us for a wonderful day of “dreaming the garden”! Your unique seed packet can celebrate a favourite veggie, flower or herb. To learn more, click here.



Consider designing your own Poached Egg Woman PLAYshop or retreat- here is how!


Studio Visits are possible with a little advance notice. Poached Egg Woman’s art space is located at Kerry Farm, Stone Church Road near Abernethy, Saskatchewan. Please book in advance by contacting Sue at 306 331 9719. Search “Poached Egg Woman” on Google Maps.

You can also purchase my art at Little Manitou Art Gallery in Manitou Beach, Saskatchewan.







You can read about some of the PLAYshops, retreats or art experiences I normally offer here:

Fearless Watercolours for Beginners – a day long playful introduction to the beautiful medium of watercolours. You can set this one up in your own home if you have a couple of friends who might be interested.

Walking Together (and Apart) – Guided Hikes in the Pheasant Creek/Qu’Appelle Valley area (for all ages)

Sticks and Stones – Explorations in Pheasant Creek followed by responding artistically (using sticks and stones)

Make a Paper Fairy (or Two) – An online PLAYshop you can do from home.

Please note:  All art PLAYshops and retreats require pre-registration (unless it is a “drop in” event). Unless otherwise noted, register by text (306) 331-9719 or e-mail at poachedeggwoman@gmail.com. If a deposit is required to confirm registration, e-transfers are accepted to the e-mail address above or cheques can be  mailed to Box 128, Abernethy, Sask. S0A 0A0 are all accepted gratefully. NEW: There is a sliding scale for PLAYshops that I host- you can pay from $0 to the stated cost. Please let me know if you want to use the sliding scale when you register.


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