Tag Archives: financial insecurity

Poached Egg Woman and the Wolf

Although I know I am rich in the things that matter most, sometimes living life as a full time artist is living close to the edge – the financial edge, that is. With the help of L.A Louve, Poached Egg Woman takes this tongue in cheek look at money worries.

This is the first of five parts to a saga. I have no idea where it is going from here! One part at a time!! Keep posted!

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Poached Egg Woman dreams that the Wolf is at the door! Aaaaah!

Poached Egg Woman dreams that the Wolf is at the door! Aaaaah!

The Wolf recites a long list of all the bad things that will happen to Poached Egg Woman.

The Wolf recites a long list of all the bad things that will happen to Poached Egg Woman.

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Then the Wolf gobbles Poached Egg Woman right up!!

Then the Wolf gobbles Poached Egg Woman right up!!

Then Poached Egg Woman disappears into the deep dark abyss of the Wolf's throat.

Then Poached Egg Woman disappears into the deep dark abyss of the Wolf’s throat.

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The End. I'm not so sure. the beginning? There will be a sequel for sure. (to be continued)

The End. I’m not so sure. the beginning? There will be a sequel for sure.
(to be continued)