Ice Rink – Collaborative Art

Each winter we create an ice rink here at Kerry Farm on our dugout. The ice rink is my biggest collaborative art project with so many elements that I love. Collaboration is first and foremost with Mother Nature, the North Wind, and the shifts in our winter season. Each day, each moments is different. Collaboration with all who come – to shovel, to add a spiral or a design, to build forts, to offer ice lanterns and other decorations, or simply to skate and add the pattern and song of their blades on the ice. At its simplest, all that this art project  needs is winter,  a couple of shovels and some lantern molds as well as a little food colouring and water plus people bundled up to add their bit. Sometimes our snowblower helps out. Here are some pictures from the 2016-17 ever evolving ice rink.